
Becoming involved, whether financially or with one’s time, is a very personal and important decision. As a nonprofit institution, we rely on the generosity of people like you—who care about the health of our community—for the means to innovate, expand, and grow.

Your support helps us provide the best possible care for the people of Greater Sullivan County.

Interested in making a donation? Click the ‘Donate Now’ button below to make an online donation, or you may also mail a donation to the address below. Please reach out to Savannah Tyrrell for questions at (603) 542-3495.

Mail a Gift

(Please make checks payable to Valley Regional Hospital.)

Valley Regional Hospital
Community Engagement
243 Elm Street
Claremont, NH 03743

Other Ways to Give:

Annual Giving: When you make an unrestricted gift to Valley Regional Hospital, you can be sure your gift will be applied to a high priority need or initiative. You’ll be joining other donors and employees who understand the importance of annual giving, and how it supports Valley by keeping the lights on and doors open for our community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Planned Giving: Making a gift through your will – known as a bequest – can be as simple as adding a sentence or two. Gifts can be of any size, and you may make your gift in honor of a family member or friend. A planned gift can provide income to you and your loved ones, while enabling you to have a significant impact on Valley Regional Hospital.

Endowment: Endowed funds are carefully managed for growth, and will help Valley Regional in perpetuity. Endowed funds may also serve as distinguished tributes to loved ones by bearing their names. A minimum of $50,000 is required to establish an endowed fund.

Fund Opportunities:

Annual Fund: When you give to the Valley Regional Annual Fund, you can be sure your gift will be applied to the highest priorities and greatest needs.

Equipment Fund: Your gift to the Valley Regional Equipment Fund will help with emergent needs and upgrades that will improve the overall care in our community.

Nursing Education Fund: Excellence in nursing is the result of years of education and training, and a commitment to life-long learning. Your gift to the Nursing Education Fund will support nurses in advancing their knowledge, while strengthening the nursing workforce at Valley Regional.

Kane Cancer Care Fund: The Kane Cancer Center at Valley Regional Hospital provides the highest level of compassionate care to our patients. Philanthropy is essential to sustaining and advancing the Kane Center’s many important services and programs, allowing our patients to receive their cancer care close to home.

Employee Giving

Your support helps us leverage grants, business and private donations. You can mail a check, give online, or give through a bi-weekly payroll deduction of any amount. Click here for the VRH Payroll Deduction Form.


Please call Savannah Tyrrell, Communications Specialist at (603) 542-3495 or email [email protected].

Meeting the Needs of Our Community at Every Age & Stage in Life

Our ability to meet your healthcare needs for more than a century is directly related to your generosity and support. This year, we invite you to join in on our on-going efforts of giving so we may continue to provide local high-quality healthcare to our beloved community.

Every Dollar Makes a Difference

Update: Urgent Care is unexpectedly closed today, 2/8,  due to staffing.