Patient Safety

Valley Regional Hospital is committed to the highest standards of care ensuring that patient safety is at the center of everything we do. We know that everything from hand washing to eliminating the risk of harm, error, and infection will create a better environment for our patients to heal as we deliver the healthcare treatment needed.

Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement

The Valley Regional Healthcare (VRH) Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) activities are developed in alignment with the organization’s mission and will drive VRH toward its vision to partner with the community to optimize health by ensuring access to high-value healthcare.

Our QAPI Plan serves as the framework for all quality and patient safety activities within the organization and follows the framework of the Institute of Medicine’s Six Domains of Health Care Quality: Safety, Effectiveness, Patient/Family-Centered, Timely, Efficient, Equitable care. In addition, the Plan considers the Institute for Healthcare Improvement dimension of work-life balance a critical component to support the six domains of quality.

Safety – Keeping people safe.

Effectiveness – Doing the right thing to achieve the best possible results, including appropriately resourced Quality Programs.

Personalize (Patient Experience) – Putting patients and families first.

Timeliness – The ability of patients to obtain care/service at the right place and rivht time.

Efficiency – Achieving desired results with the best use of resources.

Equitability – Providing quality care to all, regardless of individual characteristics or circumstances.

Work Life – Supporting wellness in the work environment.

Infection Prevention

The Infection Prevention Department has a singular focus to keep patients safe by preventing healthcare-acquired infections (HAI). Our infection prevention experts diligently work to keep patients and caregivers safe through a rigorous prevention program by:

  • Identifying risks for infection.
  • Recommending ways to prevent infection and monitor outcomes.
  • Teaching and enforcing proper hygiene methods to all employees.
  • Consulting on isolation precautions and other infection control issues

Our entire staff, both clinical and non-clinical roles, plays a key role in keeping the number of infections as low as possible.

Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction remains paramount to us. If you have questions about your care, contact our Patient Satisfaction Specialist at (603) 542-3427.


Connect with us

At VRH, you are at the center of our coordinated care system, where efficient, effective services are tailored to your needs by providers you know and trust.

Our staff strives to provide compassionate, affordable, high quality care in our community.

Please be aware, it has come to our attention that individuals in the Upper Valley community have received calls from a number that appears to be coming from a specific organization, but it is actually a phone scam.  Please know our staff from Valley will not be contacting you by phone asking for your Medicare number, even if the caller ID appears to be our organization. If you question a call or have any questions, please hang up and call us directly at (603) 542-7771.