Wendy Rasmussen, MS, CCC-A

Valley Regional Hospital
Joined VRH: 1999
Areas of practice focus: Audiology | Rehabilitation Services
Location: VRH Audiology

About me

Master of Science
Bowling Green State University. 1996

Board Certification:
Clinical Certificate for Competence – Audiology (American Speech and Hearing Association)

Professional Credentials:
Licensed Hearing Care Provider: Audiologist (current) in NH

Where to find me

Valley Regional Hospital

VRH Audiology




243 Elm Street
Claremont, NH 03743

Please be aware, it has come to our attention that individuals in the Upper Valley community have received calls from a number that appears to be coming from a specific organization, but it is actually a phone scam.  Please know our staff from Valley will not be contacting you by phone asking for your Medicare number, even if the caller ID appears to be our organization. If you question a call or have any questions, please hang up and call us directly at (603) 542-7771.