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Connect with us

At VRH, you are at the center of our coordinated care system, where efficient, effective services are tailored to your needs by providers you know and trust.

Our staff strives to provide compassionate, affordable, high quality care in our community.

Prenatal & Postpartum Care


Inside Women’s Health/Kane Center
243 Elm St
Claremont, NH 03743


Monday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm




prenatal and postpartum care Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont NH

Weekly Clinics at Valley Regional Hospital

Are you pregnant and looking for prenatal care services in the Claremont area? Cheshire Medical Center and Valley Regional Hospital have teamed up to offer prenatal and postpartum care to this region. Clinic hours are available every Monday. Visits are with one of the Cheshire Women’s Health midwives. Lab work and ultrasounds are performed at Valley Regional Hospital. Patients plan to have their babies at Cheshire Medical Center with the midwifery team.

Prenatal & Postpartum Care

  • Education: What to expect, the birthing process, diet and living tips for a healthier you and future baby
  • Check-up & Physical Exams
  • Bloodwork/ Lab Services
  • Ultrasounds

How do I sign up? 

Call for an appointment! Midwives see patients every Monday 9am-4pm (closed for lunch from 12pm-1pm).

For questions or to schedule an appointment: give us a call at (603) 542-6777, select option 2. We’d be happy to assist you.

Meet Cheshire Medicals Midwives:

Interested in learning more and connecting with a group of other pregnant individuals? Cheshire Medical Center Women’s Health offers a wide variety of childbirth education opportunities (currently over Zoom) to educate and support you through your journey. This includes Centering Pregnancy which is a group prenatal care opportunity with other women due around the same time as you are.

We also offer Well Women care including birth control, annual exams, STI testing, Cervical Cancer Screening.

Are you already one of our patients and have questions? Call to speak with a member of our team:

Mondays: (603) 542-6777, select option 2.

Tuesday-Friday: Call the team at Cheshire Medical Center: (603) 254-6640

Update: Urgent Care is unexpectedly closed today, 2/8,  due to staffing.