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At VRH, you are at the center of our coordinated care system, where efficient, effective services are tailored to your needs by providers you know and trust.

Our staff strives to provide compassionate, affordable, high quality care in our community.



243 Elm St
Claremont, NH 03743


Mon-Fri: 8 am - 3:30 pm, subject to change





If you have ringing in your ears, difficulty hearing or find yourself asking people to repeat themselves often, we can help make a positive change!

The Audiologist at Valley Regional Hospital will work with you to identify and monitor your hearing loss to ensure prompt medical diagnosis, treatment, and intervention.

Hearing loss is common and should be identified, monitored and treated early on.

People with hearing loss often gradually avoid social situations. At times this can make someone feel left out, confused and frustrated. Research has linked hearing loss to depression, anxiety, stress, increased risk for falls and cognitive decline.

We offer:

  • Hearing evaluations for children and adults
  • Hearing aid fitting- prescription Widex hearing aids (adults)
  • Hearing aid repairs (Oticon and Widex brands)
  • Dispensing of assistive listening devices
  • Middle ear assessments
  • Custom hearing protection
  • Facilitating captioned phones for home (if eligible)
  • Hearing Aid Assistance Program- Hear-Up

Other Diagnosis besides hearing loss that may require a hearing evaluations:

Tinnitus (ringing or noise in head/ears), pulsatile tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, ear infections, head trauma, Meniere’s Disease, acoustic trauma, and sudden hearing loss (requires immediate testing and medical follow-up).


Encourage a friend or loved one to seek the hearing support they need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hearing aids covered by Insurance?

Sometimes, depends on insurance company and coverage does vary. We recommended you check with your insurance company regarding your individual coverage.

Does Medicare Cover the fees for hearing aids?

Traditional Medicare A and B do not cover the fees for hearing aids. Many part C (Medicare Advantage programs) sometimes provide hearing aid benefits that vary depending on your specific policy. Most of these plans contract with a Third Party Administrator for hearing aid benefits and do not have contracts with all facilities. This may require you to travel to a specific facility for hearing aids.

Does Medicare cover the cost of the hearing test?

Yes, Medicare usually covers the fee for the hearing test (diagnostic) once every two years.

Does VRH offer any financial assistance for hearing aids?

VRH offers a program called “Hear-Up”. Hear-Up includes new, pre-selected affordable hearing aids that can be re-chargeable and connect to smart phones (if desired). The hearing aid programming/ fitting and several follow-up appointments during a 50-day trial period are included. The hearing aids come with a 3-year repair and loss and damage warranty.  Payment plans are available for this program otherwise aids will come with a 15% prompt pay discount.

How long does the hearing test take?

The test takes 20-30 minutes. The audiologist will also spend 20-30 minutes with you obtaining your hearing health history and then reviewing the results, impressions and recommendations. 

Can I just call and schedule a hearing test?

VRH does require a physician order for a hearing testing and when this is received an appointment can be scheduled.

Interested in scheduling an appointment? See your primary Care Provider (PCP) for a referral for Audiology at VRH.

Audiology Team

Valley Regional Hospital
Joined VRH: 1999
Areas of practice focus:Audiology, Rehabilitation Services
Location: VRH Audiology

Update: Urgent Care is unexpectedly closed today, 2/8,  due to staffing.